Google App Engine Launcher Settings

Posted: Friday 18 April 2014

Recently, I did a little bit of maintenance on my computer (aka wiped the entire hard disk and changed the partitioning table to GPT) and so files here and there were lost, shortcuts weren't pointing to the right places, and unfortunately, Google App Engine Launcher failed to respond to these changes and I was unable to point my application to the right places..
So after a little bit of searching, I have found the place where Google keeps the settings for its "Google App Engine Launcher":
C:\Users\[Your Username Here]\Google\google_appengine_projects.ini
You can replace portions of the path for your applications in the file located here.
Save the file and reload the App Engine Launcher to allow for the program to reload the file and reflect upon the changed file path of your application.
If done correctly, everything should work fine again!
The application that's still red is an unfortunate part of wiping out an entire hard drive.
This post covers the following:
How to change project path in Google App Engine
How to find the Google App Engine settings location
Where is the Google App Engine launcher settings location
Where is the Google App Engine registry location

How to bypass YouTube's age restrictions

Posted: Thursday 10 April 2014

Add to Chrome
Download the source on Github here!
What's stopping you from watching that trailer for that game that you're interested in?

Well apparently, YouTube's age restrictions is the barricade to everything.

I know, the age restriction is horribly implemented. Imagine this scenario. You're watching a trailer for titanfall, but wait. You can't actually watch it because the video is flagged by YouTube as not adhering to some community guidance.
Basically, the trailer uploaders, or someone, set the trigger for the video to be watched only by people with a YouTube account that's also over 18 years of age. Amazing isn't it?
So titanfall, an MA15+ game, has its official trailer blocked to those aged 15, 16 and 17 because you're not 18 and above. How ridiculous and uncalled for is that?
It's over-restrictive and limiting for a game that's rated and approved for those aged 15 and above to be blocked by YouTube for that age. And that's where this extension comes in.
MA 15+ classified material contains strong content and is legally restricted to persons 15 years and over. It may contain classifiable elements such as sex scenes and drug use that are strong in impact.

How to download from Soundcloud

Soundcloud is a music and sound streaming and sharing website, with a diverse range of genres and songs to explore and listen to.
Songs can be enabled to be downloaded at the owner's discretion, however other's aren't. In the case of artists such as deadmau5, you're better off streaming the file into your computer for safekeeping forever, in case the sounds that the artists themselves provide get taken down, or if for some other consequence the audio file gets deleted (bad publicity, e.t.c...).
To download a track from Soundcloud, whether downloading is available or not, just follow the steps below:
1. Visit
2. Enter a valid Soundcloud link/track into the textbox
3. Press "Download"
4. Click on the song's title link that the following site generates, or alternatively, right-click the link and choose "Save Link As" or "Save Target As", depending on your browser...
This Soundcloud downloader also delivers the appropriate and "normal/original" download format if the uploader has enabled it, but in most cases, this tool is primarily available to use to download tracks that have the potential to be deleted for reasons other then copyright infringement.
This post will show you how to:
Download from soundcloud
Download non-downloadable songs from soundcloud
Grab an mp3, wav, aiff file download from soundcloud
Stream soundcloud songs to a file
Keep a soundcloud track from someone that's harassing/bullying you with
Use a soundcloud downloader