The story is set in an immense, yet fictional world - a world that reflects (in an exaggerated manner) issues that plague modern society.
Themes of corruption, conflict and subtle racial-warring play an integral role into the plot of Twokinds, which allows the comic to maintain a tension of interest.
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779 Files overall (001 --- 779). ~5GB to download. Each image is around 8MB.
Google Drive upload split into 2 parts due to a 500 image - per shared folder limit
Unfortunately, as Twokinds was first published in 2003 - at a time when internet bandwidth was expensive and slow - the images that Fischbach distributed are at a low resolution.
Any normal attempts to upscale these images will only result in a pixellated smudge, especially with "naive" resizing algorithms (Bilinear, Bicubic).
Fortunately, Waifu2x - is a solution to upscaling images. It uses the power of your GPU, alongside an implementation of a tailor-made Machine Learning Algorithm, in order to upscale images.
Since Twokinds is drawn in a style similar to anime, Waifu2x works really well with the low-quality source images of Twokinds.
So, in case you are looking for a really High Resolution (High Quality) copy of the Twokinds comic, you can view it here! (Flash Warning!)
Please also note that this is a 4-times resizing. 2-times was not detailed enough for my monitor, and so the decision was made to resize it to 4-times.
Original Image For #229 - 600x776 -
Upscaled Image For #229 - 2400x3104
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779 Files overall (001 --- 779). ~5GB to download. Each image is around 8MB.
Google Drive upload split into 2 parts due to a 500 image - per shared folder limit
Disclaimer and copyright
Disclaimer: I do not own the images, but anyone is free to use/download/distribute the upscaled images under the license terms.
License/Copyright, Creative Commons BY-NC-SA, Attribution: Thomas J. Fischbach/Twokinds
(Total Project Time: 6 hours)