North Korea's Red Star OS Download

Posted: Friday 13 February 2015

If you're a little cautious about peer-to-peer downloading, even if it's legal, or dislike the reliance on other slow peers, then here's a download straight off!

Red Star OS is North Korea's attempt in replicating Apple's Mac OS X operating system, acting as a artificial façade on top of Linux. There's a few security-conscious details that have been added in a delusional attempt to thwart outside security "threats".

So, without further adieu:
redstar_desktop3.0_sign.iso -!0dUiAYjC!lils17twxjFjsDBCyPC95OK_Kev_G_8FrZMCDIwislM
MD5: ACF53D2B50ECB1391044B343502BECF5
SHA256: 895AD0E01AE0D35A65E9AC42DD34D0A1D685D6DFA331CE5B4F24BBC753439BE3
Red Star OS
North Korea
Operating System Download

Universal Internet Video Downloader without Plugins or Extensions

Posted: Sunday 1 February 2015

Video downloader sites such as often feature an "online downloader", which is merely a Java or Adobe Flash application masquerading as a webpage. Typically embedded into the landing page and seamlessly integrated.

This doesn't turn out so well if you're a web developer, or someone who disables Flash and Java because it eats up all of your laptop battery, or because you use an iOS device (an iPad, iPhone, iPod, for example).

In those scenarios, browser plugins are really horrific and tends to break the site. Java isn't supported on Safari iPhone, so if you try to download a low quality .mp4 to your file manager app to conserve bandwidth, you may be shocked to discover that you can't do so because your phone doesn't support Java.

That said, the link for the "Universal Video Downloader" is as follows:
Simply enter the video link in the textfield indicated, and click on the "Download button" to the far right of the screen.