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The web will continue to innovate and inspire new technology to impact on how we view the web and the world.
The current site template is focused on consistency and functionality, with interactive user interface elements given a clear distinction amongst other interfaces. A highlight of this new design consistency focuses on links. The idea of having links look like buttons, because the idea of hypertext being just a "link" is over. Buttons provide the gateway to more interactivity and content, and so why can't links convey the same meaning?New web standards
HTML5 isn't new. It's been out there for a few years now. However, each second of time passed will see more new features added to HTML5, which makes it unique. This site design seeks to establish the new HTML5 tags with meaning and intent, with the <header>,<section> and <footer> tags reiterating meaning with site structure, and this is visually emphasised with CSS3.SVG graphics are also featured in this new design. With most of the visual icons in an embedded SVG format. Vector graphics are at the hallmark of 2013-2014 web development, yet, major sites still rely on .jpg, .png and .gif for delivering graphical content. No more blocky graphics here! SVG aliases lines so they look good at any resolution!
Oh, and as of the time of this post, the site is also valid HTML5, but it might not be true from time-to-time (due to updates, e.t.c..) and isn't worthy of mentioning on the site itself.

Being a site that focuses on feature-rich content, the new site design is focused on making content as readable and interactive as possible. Scrolling triggers a mini parallax effect that is both used to indicate the position on the page, but also to increase the level of interactivity that this site has to offer.One-size fits all, responsiveness
We should have to push you off to mobile-optimized versions of websites when mobile devices can only do so much in 2014. Whether it be a HDTV, 4K TV or a 300DPI "smartphone", the website will scale appropriately and still be readable... This coupled with the SVG graphics detailed above, leads to a crisp and clear browsing experience.
So, what do you think? Is it a little bit too over-the-top? Or is your experience stuttered by lag?
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